Ari's Reading System

Master reading music the Ari-way!
Based on shapes and understanding, get confident quickly all over the fretboard. Let reading become intuitive and even deepen your pocket!

Why learn to read?

By learning to read an entirely new world opens up: 

  • Learn new repertoire and styles
  • Learn tunes in a new way
  • Read not only bass lines, but melodies, too!
  • Transcribe your favorite bass lines
  • Notate your own compositions
  • An entirely new level of gigs opens up
Reading Arisbassblog

Why learn with Ari?

Discover a revolutionary approach to mastering music reading, where theory and fretboard knowledge seamlessly converge. Ari’s reading system is intuitive, fast and complete.

This system aligns perfectly with Ari and Wolf’s other courses and systems, be it the Rhythm Matrix or the Pattern System. All systems go hand in hand and reinforce each other. 

This reading method will build your confidence and skills to navigate the fretboard with ease. Whether you’re aiming to enhance your reading fluency or prepare you for the Pattern System, this approach sets you up for smooth, musical playing across the fingerboard.

No need to have mastered the theory and no need to have mastered the pattern system or rhythm matrix.
All these systems reinforce each other. For this class, you need to know your intervals, that’s it!

Ari's Reading System

👎 No more “translating notes into note names” and then trying to “find the note name on the fretboard” – which is a terribly round-about way to learn reading. 

👍 Instead
, use the shape-based theory knowledge you gleaned from Ari’s Theory teachings and put them into action! 

🤩 Ari’s innovative system transforms the reading process into an intuitive and enjoyable experience, allowing you to read fluently without constantly glancing at the fretboard.

By integrating reading directly with your understanding of the fretboard, this method makes reading music feel natural and effortless and achieves more than just reading proficiency: it reinforces fretboard knowledge and the theory you are learning. 

Aris Reading System Course

Are there prerequisites?

The only prerequisites for the Reading System are: 

  • a basic understanding of music theory (in particular intervals, major/minor scales, triads)
  • foundational technique (be able to pluck notes)
  • a desire to learn to read charts (musical notes on staff in bass clef [without TAB] as well as chord charts)  

It features an additional & optional LIVE Practice Group

Mondays - May 5 to July 7, 2025
11:30 AM (PST) / 2:30 PM (EST)

Get notified when registration opens for first dibs!