It keeps the most important points to remember fresh in your mind. It arranges the most important building blocks of music in a visually appealing and easy-to-grasp chart, with reference to the fretboard.
Hang this handy wall chart in your practice room and keep the basics top of mind.
The wallchart comes with three video tutorials on how to use it.
45 minutes of video instruction
To watch the video tutorials, click the button below!
Michelle’s new practice nook, when the family moved back in due to COVID. She says: If you don’t have a place to hang your music theory wall chart on a wall, it works great to pop it into a frame and put it on a music stand!
Michigan Jazz Cats, ready to practice!
Ready to practice and stare at the wall in Bedford, UK. Thanks for sending and great going on the book and course homework too!
Happy walls in Costa Rica, Germany, Arizona, LA and London! Thanks to Alex, Larry, Chris, Kevin, Swanelder, Barry, Pim and Glen!
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