Song Practice Like A Competent Musician

The Thrill of Playing Songs

Whether at home just for yourself, with your buddies in the garage, at the local pub or wedding or on the biggest stages in the world – playing songs to make people dance, think or celebrate is one of the most thrilling experiences!

Many of us got into bass playing in the first place because we noticed the bass line of a song. There was just something about the interaction between the melody and the bass line, the groove with the drums, that struck a chord deep inside. 

Most of us remember the first bass line we ever learned! Mine was Cheap Sunglasses by ZZTop. Which one was yours?

So many who are learning the bass are driven by learning songs, playing songs and thinking that if we just do enough of that they will turn into competent musicians. But does it really work that way?

The somber truth about this type of learning, however...

It’s easy these days to “learn” a song, right? Just go on youtube, pull up one of those play alongs and plug in and pluck away.

If you are lucky, the TAB is decent and you get through the song somehow.  

And then, if you do this long enough with harder and harder songs you’ll simply have to improve. Right?

The somber truth is… not so! This type of learning only takes you so far…

The rude awakening

You watch a competent bass player and you are awestruck. 

While you are playing the correct notes, the other guy or gal makes the song groove so hard it just shakes you in your bones!  

While you are huffing and puffing executing a certain tempo or more challenging bass line, your hero just dances across the strings with precision and ease!


While you are busy counting frets to decipher the TAB, the pros either just jump right in, look at a proper chart or come up with their own bass lines effortlessly!  

While you are bouncing around in the same limited set of shapes on the fretboard, the master bassist adds juicy fills and tasty variations, soloing with ease and adding a distinct tone and flavor.  


What to do about it

You probably have an incling already… 
You need to finally catch up on getting a solid the foundation… theory, technique, fretboard harmony, rhythm, reading, ear training… 

And most importantly, you need to train the musical mind!

Because what is any of this without learning how to actually deliver the kind of awe you are struck with when watching your favorite players!

What even is that awe??!

The basics play an important role and we teach them all here at Ari’s Bass Blog, with bestselling books, popular courses, and elite Support Level Practice Groups. This provides the reliable foundation, in the fastest way possible, one topic at a time.  

So this is one fast reliable way, and you should (eventually) take it. 

In addition and while you are on those paths… you may want to continue learning songs! And this is where our new Membership comes in…

Learning Songs the Revolutionary Way

Bass Song Practice with Ari Live 

With the old way you come away knowing: 
which finger goes where when!

With Ari you:

Go far beyond that and come away with some real skill you can use in a variety of songs and settings. 
You learn the song in such a way that it teaches you about the magic behind it – not by some nebulous osmosis but with very concrete drills, analyses and exercises!

You no longer just play it down from top to bottom but you now run it through mind bending drills, awesome variations that keep on inspiring your playing far beyond this one song!

You come away knowing it on such a deep level that it becomes part of your playing DNA!

Ari lets that song teach you specifics of groove and tone, why it works, what makes it sound so amazing! There is no more fascinating rabbit hole to go down. 

And no more fascinating place to emerge from that than being able to create like that yourself! 

Not just what to play but how to play it so it grooves and actually touches people.

With Ari you explore – bass in hand:
What makes this bass line so amazing? Why does it work with the song so well?
And how can you walk away from learning that, not just the song, so you can create in a similar manner!

This is practicing the musical mind not just becoming a musical imitator but a true musician!  

What About Different Playing Levels?

This is how it works:

On the calendar you see a number of stars. 

⭐️ = Beginner friendly, easy going
⭐️⭐️ = Intermediate 
⭐️⭐️⭐️ = Advanced/Pattern System angle

Each month you are learning three songs – styles always vary and we even take requests! 

Each class stands completely on its own.  
You can join either one of them or all three!
You can watch reruns, too! 



And this is the most exciting part

These classes are live online with Ari! 
Not only can you ask questions, volunteer for a drill or share an insight or story, but you are a vital part of shaping the learning experience.

As a group, with friends… the energy is heightened and the group vibe is super fun!

You can watch reruns and dig into the archives as well.


We only have a limited amount of slots, so if you’d like to join, now is the time!
If the Sign Up button is active, hop on. If it reroutes you to a waiting list, watch your email closely!


Membership at this time is $99.00 a month.
That is for 12 lessons live with Ari plus archives!
You can start and stop at any time by going into your Account.

Note: This tuition will go up shortly (time of this writing is May 2023).
Whatever tuition your are signed up for you will stay at, so don’t delay. 


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