Receive Your Degree (AS, BA, MA of Music)

Study with me and receive your degree –

New Collaboration with AMS Online/London College of Music!

I am very excited to announce a new collaboration – through the Academy of Music & Sound students can now study a variety of Higher Education courses online, with me supporting those that wish to study bass. The courses are a Foundation Degree (2 years duration), and a BA (Hons) Top-up (1-year duration). AMS also offers a Master’s (1-year duration) without an instrument focus component. American equivalents are an Associate Degree, Bachelors, and Masters.

More about AMS

The Academy of Music and Sound is an independent popular music college with centers in locations in England and Scotland. As the world is increasingly turning more to online education, AMS was recently validated for supported distance-learning with the London College of Music (University of West London).

What is exciting about this collaboration

I love the programs AMS offers – whether it is the one year or the two-year course of study. The curriculum is practical and modern. It also goes beyond ‘just bass’ and includes relevant business courses and other great skills today’s musician must have – from studio production to creating music and sound for media.

Students who sign up will receive my rigorous systematic programs many of which are still only available through one-on-one instruction. With a waiting list of 100+ applicants interested in studying with me, this is a great opportunity to get personal instruction with me while earning your degree.

If you sign up for the AMSonline program you will take regular lessons with me as part of your studies. I am seeing up to three students this fall at AMSonline, and one slot is already taken.

How it works

Everything is delivered 100% online. You set your own hours. A part-time, as well as a full-time course of study, is available.

The program is very flexible – if you have industry experience or prior credits you can potentially receive your Bachelor’s degree in as little as 24 weeks! 

How much is it?

Tuition ranks around only $3900 per semester.  You are receiving an Associate’s, Bachelor’s, or Master’s Degree accredited by the prestigious London College of Music. This degree is recognized worldwide.

Click here to learn more about studying with Ariane for a degree via AMS.

List Ariane in the “how did you hear about us” box.

Enrollments are taking place from now until the end of August.

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