Study with Ari

Thank you for your interest in taking private lessons with me. I am honored by your interest.

I have no current availability for one-on-one lessons at this time, but you can explore studying with me personally in our various small group events. Check the calendar and sign up for our newsletter so you never miss a new event.  

You can also add yourself to the list to be notified when a new spot in the membership comes available. Sign up below to get first dips. 

One-on-one Lessons with Ari

Thank you very much for your interest! 

One-on-one lessons have always been a very popular request. At its height, my waiting list reached 222 names strong! That’s when I knew I had to do something different so I could reach as many students as possible. So I created Practice Groups and Live Classes with meThese are an affordable option to study closely with me and a small group of peers, where you receive feedback, coaching on habits, and – most valuable – recommendations for what to practice – how, when and in what order!

Advantages of Practice Groups:

  • Direct feedback from me
  • Learn the same signature programs that I have developed from over 20+ years of teaching
  • Concise practice instructions
  • Performance opportunities
  • Less “intense” than one-on-ones
  • Others may ask exactly the question you had on your mind but did not know how to ask
  • Ten week classes live online with me and others creates a highly motivating and encouraging environment
  • Tuition is very good value – and just a fraction of one-on-ones


I still offer a limited number of these slots for growth-minded students who want to study with me. The waitlist since the introduction of Live Classes and Practice Groups is much more manageable now, so feel free to go ahead and book a slot below.

But first, please ask yourself if one-on-ones are really the best choice for you:

You may be looking for one-on-ones if you:

  • Are preparing for an audition, a recital or important show (“Ari, I need help, now, for a big thing!”)
  • Have a specific challenge in the realms of:
    • Technique (“I cannot play some pieces at tempo”; “I have some bad technique habits that are holding me back!”)
    • Creative frustration (“I sound “samey-samey” all the time! I bore myself!”)
    • Mindset (about to give up, “There is something wrong with me!”; “I have no talent!”)
    • Career (“How to make a living with music?” – The business side of things. Many surprising possibilities here!)
    • Rhythmic problems (“I got no rhythm”; “they tell me I don’t swing”; “I drop beats”)
    • Ear Training (“I can’t hear the changes!”)
    • Performance Anxiety (“I freeze up”; “I get so nervous I don’t enjoy it!”)
    • Theory/Reading (“Things don’t connect for me. I know the scales, but I don’t know how to make music with them!”)
    • Practice/Motivation (“I can’t get myself to practice”; “I don’t know how to practice effectively”)
    • Path and Trajectory (“I have no clear path”; “I jump around/can’t focus”; “I practice a lot but am not getting better!”)
Many of the above points also get addressed in our Live Classes and Practice Groups, yet I understand that for some it is easier to talk one-on-one. I can make that happen.
instruction lessons with Ari

I take all levels including beginners and if I think for whatever reason it is not a good fit I will let you knowWith me, you don’t have to please the teacher or impress anyone. 

However, I do ask:

    • for your honesty
    • for a  bit of discipline
    • that you open your mind
    • that you show up even if you feel like you are not perfectly prepared

If you follow along with my – often unconventional – regimen, you will see game-changing results. 

How it works

  • Click the link below and check your email for sign up and booking information
  • Set up the first lesson in my online calendar and pay securely using PayPal or a credit card
  • Confirmation and instructions on how to connect will be emailed to you.


For new students, the very first lesson is $350.00 (90 minutes) and ongoing one-on-one lessons with Ari are $275.00 per lesson (55 minutes, includes individualized lesson plan and downloadable video recording).  

NOTE: If you are looking to study with me personally and are looking for a very affordable option, consider Live Practice Groups or our membership at a fraction of the cost. 

Depending on your goals we may:

  • Do just a few sessions
  • Do regular lessons long-term
  • Meet every week, every other week, or once a month – most effective is a twice a month schedule
  • Integrate private lessons with other courses, Live Classes or Practice Groups that we offer

Students' Results after studying with Ari:

And psst,

  • I have a secret for you – if you follow my practicing suggestions precisely it will allow you to get the most out of your practicing time. The trick lies in the details.

    If you are:

    • prepared to work smarter rather than harder
    • ready to practice regularly rather than long hours
    • willing to slow down enough to take it all in
    • follow directions and be kind to yourself in the process

    …then measurable progress is straight ahead for you and well within your reach.

Here is what Kevin reported after six lessons w Ari:

I have wasted so much time with talented well-intended musicians who just don’t know how to teach. I feel so lucky and blessed to have found Ariane. I have never had a teacher of this caliber in any area of my life including high school and college. In this day and age, with so much content online it’s easy to get overwhelmed and distracted. Ariane has a process. A process that is proven. It works and I feel like I have improved more in the last few months of studying with her than in the last several years. She also understands the theory behind learning. She applies that theory to every component of her teaching. On a personal level, she is incredibly passionate about teaching and truly cares about her students getting results and enjoying the process. She is a true gift to me and I am sure all those who come in contact with her.
Joseph Tumolo
(personal email)

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