Our New Steady Track

Steady Track

In case you haven’t heard yet…

Music Theory for the Bass Player – The Course now comes in a bit of a more relaxed version: you get more time per unit.

When you sign up for our Course, Music Theory for the Bass Player, you receive new material at a weekly schedule. We set the course up that way because it is really tempting to dip in and out here and there and to peek ahead.  We focus you on a unit at a time, it is easier to stay on track and focused.

But many participants told us that one unit a week is a bit much. Our Course covers technique, theory, bass line creation, note finding exercises, styles study, practice techniques, eartraining, and many creative groove creation exercises. It is all presented step by step so you can easily follow along. Yet after a week, many said they longed for more time to spend with that unit.

We have heard your requests – voila, here I present:

The Steady Track

Like the saying goes: “Slow and Steady wins the Race”:

Same course, slower pace – two weeks per unit!

This track also comes with a more relaxed payment schedule – you can now join for just 39.97 a month.

As always you retain lifetime access and our 20 day money back guarantee also holds here as well.

The New Year’s Cohort

We have a really special program in beta right now – if you join the course by 1-20-2019 you get added to our New Year’s Cohort.

The cohort is all about accountability. With our and your peer’s help you can make it through the course with ease. There will be homework, public commitments and lots of additional support. Kicks off with the powerful Skills Assessment and a live webinar! You can join the Cohort at the Steady Track pace here.

PS: If you already are in the course and want to join the cohort, right now, you can. Click here and scroll down! 

Learn more about the cohort in this post.

More Info on the Course

Find more info on the course here, including many testimonials from our participants. We really listen to what our students say. This course was first published in June 2016 and we have tweaked and added and improved and moved to a new platform and perfected over and over yet again since then.

Read testimonials and watch sample videos here. 

We have many many testimonials from course participants. Here are a few for example: