One-Finger-Per-Fret Videos

Here are your two practice videos. Enjoy!

Reminder for all Finger Kung Fu Exercises: Don’t just “get through” these or skip them because you “can already do them”.


  • Follow along for a few minutes every day, then bookmark where you are in your practice log and return to the spot in your next practice session.
  • If you feel “bored” you are not doing them correctly and are missing out on one of the fastest ways to improve your technique and playing – the point is to slow down and feel the nuances of your posture and resulting improvements in tone and timing.
  • Focus on select details as I point them out in the videos or choose your own problem areas to focus on.

Why? Here, going slower gets you to your goal faster.
Treat them like a bass meditation and accelerate your learning.

These videos are directly taken from “Music Theory for the Bass Player – The Course”.

Each unit contains 7 TABs, each TAB contains several videos, PDFs, back ground tracks and written summaries and tips.

  • Intro (assignments from the book, book videos)
  • Finger Kung Fu (a series on technique, progressively getting harder)
  • Theory Practice (practicing the theory, typically with back ground tracks)
  • Bassline Lab (use the theory in musical context)
  • Combo Class (note finder exercises for fret board fitness, later units: Styles Lab)
  • Hip Bit (fun stuff, quizzes) 
  • Outro (Tips on practicing, PDFs of this unit, background tracks of this unit, unit matrix, course matrix, Ask Ari Button)

Find out more about Music Theory for the Bass Player – The Course

This is the unit matrix of Unit 2 (click to enlarge):