Modes Pedaling Drill
Enhance your bass guitar skills with the Modes Pedaling Drill, a powerful exercise designed to strengthen your playing abilities. Join me as I guide you
Enhance your bass guitar skills with the Modes Pedaling Drill, a powerful exercise designed to strengthen your playing abilities. Join me as I guide you
A Rainbow of Colors: A Great Modes Drill Many students are incredibly confused about the modes – what they are, how they sound, how to
Really hearing the modes It is quite fitting to use a song about the rainbow as a teaching tool for the (often dreaded but oh
Seems like Quora liked my answer on the phrygian characteristic last week, because I got similar request today, this time for: The characteristic of Dorian!
Scroll down and click the Quora link to watch the videos: A Quoran requested my answer to the question: What are the characteristics of Phrygian?
Dominant 7#11 – The Lydian Dominant Sound Dominant seventh chords are all about tension! Why? Quick reminder, there is a tritone between the third and
Take it from my student Stephen: This is how you know… that you know modes! My student Steve was kind enough to let me post
Remember the shortcuts to Modes from last week? Here is a great ear training exercise to hearing the modes. It is so amazingly easy, it
Are you Mystified by the Modes? I have a theory (not a music theory in this case, ha) which is that some are eyeing the
Let’s talk melodic minor for a second. It is a beautiful scale. What is it? It is the natural minor scale (AKA the sixth mode
Copyright CapCat Music Media INC 2019 • CapCat Music Media INC • CapCat Music Media, INC 6339 Charlotte Pike #1196 Nashville, TN 37209 • 707-280-1270
“We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. We are a participant in the Avangate Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program for Transcribe. Ariane is an official endorser of the following companies: Marleaux bass guitars, Fibenare Bass Guitars, Gruvgear, SingularSound, BackBeat, Dean Markley Strings.”
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