Let’s Talk Technique of the Right Hand…
In this episode (number 4) of Talking Technique it is all about the right hand technique. Fast fingers… maybe you have been doing just fine with your right hand technique, but when those speed bumps arise it is definitely time to take a closer look. And, as always, does it sound even? I got a tip for you there!
Today we’re talking technique with the right hand and getting those fast fingers. I’ll be going over the two finger alternating plucking style, which will get you through most playing situations.
Oftentimes, players get wrapped up in coupling their right hand and left hand processes when playing patterns. I recommend making alternating your fingers an automated process so you don’t have to think about which finger to use. That decouples your left hand from your right hand to free up your creative flow and timing.
We’ve got several patterns and approaches to clean up your right hand technique.
Here is the post on notreble.com
Comment here, comment there… let me know how it is working for you!
I use Marleaux Basses and Dean Markley Strings. TC ElectronicsPedals, cabs and amps! Fretwrap byGruvgear.
(Ariane Cap is an official endorser for all these fine companies.)
Thanks to Wolftrackaudio.com for audio post production.