Paul’s Bass Matters – New European Wall Chart Source!

Paul's Bass Matters

European Wall Owners – Rejoice!

Shipping to Europe – Now Awesome!

I am fully aware that even the lowest shipping costs I could obtain to ship to our European friends from California were still – ridiculously high. Of course I have no control over that, it’s not like I am a big warehouse or Amazon, so I get regular rates and they were terrible for our beautiful, sturdy tubes. (Must have tubes to keep the poster safe!)

Paul’s Bass Matters to the Rescue!

But, due to the initiative of one of our bass friends over at, Pim from the Netherlands, we now have a solution: Pim put me in touch with Paul from the epic bass store Paul’s Bass Matters in Nijmegen. From what I hear that is THE place to go for basses, amps and all things bass! They even carry the new Trickfish line! It’s a like a kid-in-the-candy store sort-of-place!

A lot of my readers know and love Paul’s store, give a thumbs up or comment, if you have heard of it or know the place! And now, partnered up with Paul’s Bass Matters, we can knock off a substantial amount off those shipping charges.

I have to give huge props to Paul – little wall charts are a lot of work, packaging details, shipping from here to there was cumbersome, then there are customs and forms and late night skypes across the time zones. He hung through it all, so you can get your epic wall chart and make your wall happy, too, without incurring the nasty US shipping rate!

If you are closer to the Netherlands than California..

Paul's Bass Matters

All Other Countries, including US:

US customers can also order on At the moment there is still free shipping if you have Prime but we are switching to fulfillment soon, so regular US shipping rates will apply when Amazon fulfillment stock is gone, I estimate a week or two. (Shipping then $3.61)

Have you seen the videos yet?

You can use the wall chart to study the entire foundation of music theory. In the videos I describe how! Pick a different key each time. This is how I believe music theory should be studied: doing it, understanding it, rather than reading down pages and pages of arpeggios and scales. Make a groove of it or do my “Groove and Fill” while you are at it.

We have shipped to 19 countries world wide (and counting)!

By the way, I collect happy wall photos, if you have cool local paraphernalia or your bass next to it, I’d love a pic of it!

Ari’s Interval Formula

A feature of the wall chart – a logical and helpful way to think about intervals. Intervals as a matrix on the bass fret board.

Have a look (watch here for a bigger view):

Music Theory Wall Chart, Bass