Rhythm’s Gonna Get ‘Ya: Shuffle v Straight! (Video 1 of 5)

Rhythm’s Gonna Get ‘Ya!

But you’ll be ready if you watch my brand new Mini-Series on Rhythm. Five bite-sized, but info-packed videos that will take the mystery out of a few rarely talked about, but super important and sometimes tricky aspects of rhythm. First up is:

Straight Versus Shuffle

Afraid to stray from the straight and narrow (rhythmically) for fear of getting lost in the shuffle?

Learn what the difference between a straight rhythm and a shuffled rhythm looks and sounds like, and how such a subtle difference can make a huge difference in the feel of the tune. I demonstrate each different rhythm separately and side-by-side so you can catch the full effect of difference.

Shuffle your mouse on over to this video – the first of five in this mini-series on rhythm!

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The Ultimate Shortcut to Rhythm Changes(Opens in a new browser tab)

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