A Cohort. A Co-what?

A Cohort. A Co-what?

I get a lot of questions about our Cohort. What of all things is that? So let me take a minute to walk you through the answer.

What is this Co-hort Thing? And how did it come about?

It all started with my best-selling and highly-regarded book, Music Theory for the Bass Player – A Comprehensive and Hands-on Guide to Playing with More Confidence and Freedom. It is a comprehensive and step by step approach to learning music theory – optimized for the bass player who already knows a few songs and grooves but is curious how music is put together and how it all works.

After it had been out for awhile, a lot of readers asked for “more”. So me and my partner Wolf created an online course based on the book- taking each lesson much deeper, with applications and musical exercises, as well as technique, fretboard knowledge and styles analysis. And packed it with 130 PDFs and 130 jam tracks! Once again, we received lots of positive feedback on how the course is presented in a systematic, easy-to-follow manner, and how rich and layered the material is in terms of theory and its practical application on the fretboard (where it counts!). 

Then we heard from some participants who said they made it part way through and though they loved it, they felt a bit lonely on their own and had a bit of a hard time sticking with it. This is a frequent experience in the online learning space. So I wanted to help. 

Enter: The Cohort.

I remembered and drew on my quite extensive coaching background (NLP Master Trainer, Tiny Habits Coach™ and extensive training with a Marshall Goldsmith coach, Michael Beale). I also intently listened to our students – you can learn a lot of things by tapping into the talented pool of successful students around you – whether they email you with great ideas out of the blue (now our head coach Fred Pucci), come say hello at a live concert (our coach BP!), or whether they are students answering our surveys and milestone questionnaires. 

After several tests and building and re-building of the tech, we are now ready to start our fourth Cohort!

How can the Cohort help me?

The Cohort is a very special version of the Music Theory for the Bass Player online course in that you do the course together with a group of peers and a dedicated coach to encourage you throughout the 40-week journey. If you need a bit of help making your way through an online course on your own, the community, the group setting, the accountability will make all the difference in the world for you. Every week you submit homework – we keep it doable, nothing out of reach, but we make sure you keep moving along! If you have 45 minutes five times a week that you can dedicate to this cohort, you are golden and will be very successful!

What others are saying about the Cohort

Here’s a small sample of what recent Cohort graduates have to say about the Cohort:

There is something very powerful about making a public commitment and then following it up with a recording of that exercise… and the video you record is incredibly eye-opening!  (Fred P)

Amazed, shocked and stunned at the amount I have learned!”  (Carmie H)

 The Cohort is excellent and I can honestly say I have played for a minimum of 30 minutes each day since it started. Everyone is so friendly and supportive. I feel like I have improved more in 4 weeks than I did in the last 4 months!  (Chris D)

Never seen anything so productive” (JD M)

If you:

  • like learning with others; 
  • thrive on accountability
  • realize that when you show up you show up not just for yourself but for everybody else too
  • are ready to up your game

Then the Cohort is for you.

When does it Start?

Please subscribe to our newsletter to be in the know.

We offer various levels of support including additional practice groups.

Here is more info.


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