Handy Guide on Ari’s Key Concepts of Bass Technique

Handy Guide on Ari’s Key Concepts of Bass Technique

Ari's Key Concepts of Bass Technique


Ari’s Key Concepts of Bass Technique

Conscious • Connected • Coordinated

Minimize Movement Maximize Relaxation

Breathe • Think ahead • Practice slowly with a click*

Keep posture roughly the same when standing and sitting

Left Hand

  • Keep fingers close to the fretboard
  • Plan fingering to optimize shifts
  • “Feel at home” with common structures (scales, triads etc, music theory on the fretboard)
  • Don’t squeeze the neck – provide counterweight with right arm Thumb is there to guide
  • Don’t kink fingers*
  • Place fingers close to frets*
  • One-finger-per-fret position*

Right Hand

  • Rest arm comfortably on bass body*
  • Have a plan for your plucking pattern (middle/index alternating)
  • Know your dominant finger
  • Keep fingers close to the strings
  • Make different plucking fingers sound as evenly as possible
  • Pluck toward the bass for bigger tone
  • Find strings without looking
  • Have a plan for thumb placement
  • Don’t kink fingers

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Ari's Key Concepts of Bass Technique Easy Print

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Ari's Key Concepts of Bass Technique

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