String Jumping Exercises (TT#5)

String Jumping Exercises (TT#5)

String Jumping Exercises really pay off.

Many grooves have fourths in them and if you are able to execute those string jumping movements with ease and an even sound, then your groove and feel will benefit immensely. Here are a few exercises to help you with that movement. It will pay off majorly in the phrasing of any groove!
And, as always I have a TT tip for you…

Here is the post on NoTreble
Comment here, comment there… let me know how it is working for you!
I use Marleaux Basses and Dean Markley Strings. TC ElectronicsPedals, cabs and amps! Fretwrap byGruvgear.
(Ariane Cap is an official endorser for all these fine companies.)
Thanks to for audio post production.

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6 Replies to “String Jumping Exercises (TT#5)”

  1. Ariane,
    Saw you at a seminar on Scott’s Bass Lessons about a month ago. Just received your music theory book today. It looks great and I look forward to using it. Just visited your site today and see you have some excellent lessons and tips here also. Appreciate all your efforts to help us improve. Thanks!

    1. Thank you Dominick! Great to hear! Please let me know how you are getting on with the book. Questions or requests, bring them on 🙂

      1. Ari
        I’ve been following the book fairly well, enjoying it and learning a lot. I’m on the inversion of intervals right now ( pages 51 – 54) and am struggling to understand these concepts. Can you cover in more detail in a future video? Thanks!

        1. Will do. Thanks for writing in. The key to understanding inversions is to distinguish between ascending and descending intervals (ascending fifth c to g, descending fifth g back down to c) versus inversions of intervals, c up to g (ascending fifth), then keep going from that g up to c (which is a fourth), hence the g to c (ascending) is the inversionof the ascending c to g from before. Sounds wicked but is really straightforward when You see it/play it. Video coming. Let me know if this helped in the meantime

          1. Ari,
            Your comment helps. My confusion is definitely related to ascending/descending intervals versus inversion of intervals as you describe. I think I need to sit down and draw it all out. I’m an engineer so I think very analytically and need to see things with diagrams. Thanks for the quick response and I look forward to the future video!

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