Talking Technique #1: Ari on

Talking Technique #1: Ari on

Talking Technique: Ari’s new series on

I am very excited to be a contributor on one of my favorite bass websites,, as of today. I kicked off my series about Technique (“Talking Technique”) with an oldie, but goodie: the permutation exercise, AKA the 1234 exercise.
Check it out and let me know what results you are getting. Some of this content is used in my book on page 146, if you are following along. I included a few creative exercises using a delay pedal and applying the exercise creatively.


I use Marleaux Basses and Dean Markley Strings.
Fretwraps by Gruvgear, pedals, amps, cabs by TC Electronics. (Official endorser of all these fine companies).
Thanks to for audio post production.

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