How do I know which Book I need?

How do I know which Book I need?

Which Book to get? Are they the same?

A reader asked:

I am looking at getting your new Pattern System book on Amazon. Would I also want to get the “Music Theory for the Bass Player” book? Or does the Pattern System book encompass everything in the previous book and more?

This question makes a lot of sense and I am happy to answer. After all, in Music Theory for the Bass Player I promise confidence and freedom when understanding theory as fretboard shapes. So why another book on patterns?

Because understanding theory and the patterns that music makes, and how it is put together is step one.

The next step is to practice it

  • systematically
  • in all keys
  • all over the fretboard
  • using improvisation to make it yours
  • using mental practice to make it stick

I wish I could tell you that this precise practice is not needed. Or that just by knowing a scale from the root to the root means you know how to use it creatively in a band situation. But that is not the case. Most books and methods stop right there, maybe with an admonishment to “go practice this in all keys now”. I had to take it much further. There is a systematic way that illuminates the shapes of music that I call the Five Magic Patterns (and the patterns within those patterns). I show you exactly what to practice and how.

I can promise you an amazing ride.

The Pattern System is the book I always wanted to write. And because I didn’t want to lose anyone when using theory terms, I needed to add a “short intro” with these details. Well, after 180 pages it was clear that this constituted its own book.

But the two books are very different and in a nutshell there is zero redundancy.

Here is how you know whether you need both:

  • Do you know what a diminished fifth is? 
  • How to play a C7 chord?
  • How about D lydian? Eb dorian?
  • F major pentatonic and the F minor pentatonic?
  • Do you know the key signature of F# major?
  • What are the notes of a C# major scale?
  • What’s a sixth descending from D?
  • What is the mother key of C# locrian?
  • Name the diatonic cycle in the key of G# minor

If you know the answer to such questions you do not need the theory book and can go straight to The Pattern System book.

If you don’t know these answers, then I recommend you get both books and start with Music Theory for the Bass Player. That will solidify your knowledge of theory which you will need because that knowledge is NOT in the new book and I reference theory items throughout The Pattern System book.

In simplest terms, Music Theory for the Bass Player (Book 1) can be considered a prerequisite for The Pattern System.

So if you already know your theory including the diatonic cycle you can go straight to the Pattern Book.

More info about Ari’s new book:

Get our new Book on Amazon now. Click your country!

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There are a limited number of Spiral Bound books remaining – and only in US. We recommend ordering the regular book and taking it to a local printer (eg Staples, Kinkos) and they can cut off spine and insert the spiral binding while you wait- and usually for less that $10.

Join a Practice Group working through the new book with Ari

We have Practice Groups going through the Pattern System Book starting every few months! Don’t miss this unique opportunity!

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2 Replies to “How do I know which Book I need?”

  1. If there is a question of which one “needs” I would always suggest both… Even if one has the information internalized, it is always a good idea to have a reference to check yourself against!

    1. Thanks for your input. Yes the Theory book is just a great reference. And The Test Your Understanding Questions sure have stumped a few people haha. They are a bit tongue in cheek but purposefully so 🙂

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