The Cycle for Fretboard Fitness – #2 of 5

The Cycle for Fretboard Fitness – #2 of 5

The Cycle for Fretboard Fitness

In this segment I am exploring why the Cycle of Fifths is such a fantastic practice tool for fretboard fitness – mainly because it gets us through all  keys in the most elegant of ways (and it shows up like that in many songs!). Check it out, there are more ways than one to do this to really challenge your fretboard fitness. Talking of fretboard fitness, great chops builder, too. Enjoy. Let me know what results you are getting.
One comment on YouTube said:

  “A truly ingenious practice idea! Much appreciated! Great lesson!” Thank you for your comment, Richard Palmer!
  And another comment suggested to also add the minor triad right after. Great idea to add that if you know your relative minor keys!

VIDEO 2 Cycle
Background track to jam with:

Email me a video link of you jamming to these tracks – I’d love to hear you put this material to good use!
This video is part of a five-segment promotional mini-series I created in June 2015 for the online-education powerhouse TrueFire. Get my Truefire Course Pentatonic Playground for Bass here
For systematic and comprehensive bass learning check out my course  
Thank you for watching

If you missed it…

1 – The Cycle of Fifths for the Bass Player (1 of 5)

Stay tuned for part 3 of this series!

Votan XS by Marleaux

Played on a Votan XS by Gerald Marleaux, strings by Dean Markley
I use Marleaux Basses and Dean Markley Strings. Fretwraps by Gruvgear, pedals, amps, cabs by TC Electronics. (Official endorser of all these fine companies).
Thanks to for audio post production.


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3 Replies to “The Cycle for Fretboard Fitness – #2 of 5”

  1. Thank you, Ari! I’m learning to solo, and also want to provide stronger/more interesting bass lines for songs/tunes, so I am grateful for your tutorials!! I have bass homework to do tonight : )

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