Music is often mysterious… (Breaking the rules)

Music is often mysterious… (Breaking the rules)

melodic minor Ariane Cap breaking the rules

It’s a fair question… after all, we learn to identify which key a piece of music is in, and we carefully think about functions of chords… there are all these rules in music theory and then it seems music itself breaks them left and right.

So, why do some notes stray from the family and color outside the lines?


Read Ariane Cap’s answer to Why some pieces in a given key signature have notes that don’t belong to the scale of that key signature? Aren’t you supposed to only use the keys from the scale? on Quora

For a deeper dive into Music Theory check out my book and online course!


Music Theory Course

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2 Replies to “Music is often mysterious… (Breaking the rules)”

  1. my favorite sound bite for folks wondering why i study so much theory instead of memorizing the bass lines for covers, and why it helps me be a better bassist instead of constraining me:

    music theory is not the rules of playing music, it’s the vocabulary to communicate with myself and other musicians about what we are playing….

    1. “music theory is not the rules of playing music, it’s the vocabulary to communicate with myself and other musicians about what we are playing….”
      Beautifully said, Vanessa! And it does make for some great discussions – on instruments and off 🙂

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