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The Flummoxing Phenomenon of Messing up in the Lesson or on Stage

The Flummoxing Phenomenon of Messing up in the Lesson or on Stage

When Performing doesn’t go as practiced…

There is a reason. And a remedy!

We likely have all been there… aced the tune in the practice room.

Yet, when playing it for the teacher or wanting to show it off on stage, it’s doesn’t go as planned.

What is up with this flummoxing phenomenon?


Please read the excerpt from my new book – The Pattern System for the Bass Player – Sharpen Your Musical Mind Through Fretboard Proficiency, Improvisation and Mental Practice by Ariane Cap with Wolf Wein.


Before I start:
This book is an epic journey to the satisfying, comfortable command of the entire fretboard and – more importantly – the patterns of music! 

We talk about how to optimize your practice. We use improvisation and mental practice to ingrain the patterns of music in your mind and fingers to unlock your creativity like never before!

The correct use of the metronome is a must for my method and I go into when and precisely how to use it… and why. The metronome is so important in this program that we created a lively character named Skippy – he is a vintage metronome. He will be your trusted side-kick on this epic journey! He has a bit of an attitude but also a lot of wisdom.

Check out two pages from our new book and see what dear Skippy is up to…


In a PracticeGroup last week an attendee called this section “an eye-opener”.



FLummoxing phenomenon Ariane Cap bass


Has this ever happened to you? Can you relate? Let us know in the comments!


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4 Replies to “The Flummoxing Phenomenon of Messing up in the Lesson or on Stage”

  1. Aaaah the first 2 pages uncovered …finally….awesome!! Cant wait…I wonder what’s on first 96 pages !!

  2. Yes!! This has happened to me. It’s actually one of the reasons I cringe at the thought of listening to myself on playback either studio based or on video.

    One of my issues when I first started getting back to things, is I’ll practice/rehearse something what feels like 100 times. And it sounds fine. But I’ll hit the stage or play in front of certain people and I’ll completely draw a blank.

    1. Hi Zane, thanks for your comments! I can relate very much. One of the best ways to ease yourself into these situations is by mock-creating them. Performing in front of the Practice Group, for example, is a great way to practice the performance situation. Similarly, recording yourself and posting it somewhere is a great way to test the waters. The initial trepidation is overcome quickly.

      One great way to test stage readyness is to go to the bass cold and try the tough song or spot cold. Did you nail it the first time, no false starts? An excellent sign.

      Keep on going, you are doing GREAT!

  3. To go with the above comment.. Stage fright was a huge problem for me two years ago! I’m better now, but when I got back into things the audience size grew from what I was used to before the pandemic. Now, with the online audience we could be at a much much larger number. I sometimes can’t shake that when hitting the platform.

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