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Tiny Habits™ for Practicing Musicians (and their Kids)

Tiny Habits™ for Practicing Musicians (and their Kids)

tiny habits for tiny musicians

Getting Yourself (or Your Kids!) to Practice Without Nagging or Guilt-tripping

Practicing – or even just playing – your instrument ideally is a joyful activity you look forward to. And often when you have gigs on the books, tours coming up, recording dates, auditions on the horizon – motivation will be super high and long days of practicing will fly by.

Maybe your musical diary is not quite filled with the above items (yet!) or maybe that’s not even your goal. Or maybe you had a full calendar and are now under shelter-in-place orders (never thought I’d say those words!) and the days are just blending one into the next. You can’t even see your teacher for lessons.

So, how do you keep your practicing routines strong when motivation fails?

Tiny Habits™ method to the rescue! Don’t wait for inspiration to hit. Don’t wait for motivation to magically appear. Instead, follow a powerful, scientifically proven, three-step formula, and make it a habit.

As Dr. BJ Fogg, the creator of the method and behavior scientist who runs the Stanford Behavior Design Lab, teaches us: contrary to popular views, habits do not form through repetition, but rather through good feelings. In fact, BJ shares Emotions create habits. (If you have ever given a smartphone to a teenager, you witnessed a habit form instantly – no waiting on the famed “21 days” for the habit to form – that teen and that phone were instantly inseparable!)

I am excited to show you how to use this simple method to create powerful practice habits. As a Tiny Habits™ Certified Coach I am hosting two Tiny Habits Expert Sessions on Saturday, May 9th. I will be talking about creating music practicing habits for kids (say goodbye to nagging!) as well as adults (say goodbye to guilt-tripping!).

Watch now:

Tiny Habits for Tiny Musicians:

How to get little Mozart (or mini Jimi) practicing without nagging, agonizing, or guilt-tripping. Talent is overrated: explore powerful practice habits!




Tiny Habits for Practicing Musicians:

Celebrating the good notes: Bring the joy back to learning music and make practicing your instrument a favorite part of your day!




Other resources:


Tiny Habits – the Book

BJ Fogg interviews Ariane Cap

May I Have Two Minutes of Your Time?

Why Just Keep Playing is not Working

Other Tiny Habits Expert Sessions you may be interested in


I will leave you with this great quote (thanks Shirl!) by Octavia Butler

Tiny Habits Expert Sessions

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