Sign up Now for the “2021 New Year’s Cohort” – [Early Bird Pricing]

Sign up Now for the “2021 New Year’s Cohort” – [Early Bird Pricing]

A Cohort. A Co-what?

Our famed course “Music Theory for the Bass Player” has a proven track record for getting results in these key areas (just a few examples):

  • Creating your own Grooves over chord changes
  • Finding your notes up and down the fretboard
  • Improving your technique, agility and speed
  • Getting a highly practical understanding of the fretboard under your fingers
  • Putting the fundamentals of music theory at your finger tips (tailored specifically for the bass player!)
  • Studying a variety of styles

It’s a comprehensive course with 20 units that keep you practicing a varied array of material for about two weeks at a time, for 20 units total. 20 units with two weeks each! 

Sign up for the cohort

That’s a Tall Order!

Yupp, and it’s well worth it! Because the results you get are solid!

“Never seen anything so productive!” (JD Moore)

”Hi Ariane, as a self-taught bass player for many years I strongly believe that I did the best investment of my life buying the course. For the first time, I hear myself playing exactly what I want, nothing more, nothing less.” (Adrian Pop)

“I look forward to practicing and am developing a more purposeful approach to practice. It seems like I am having breakthroughs every time I sit down with the instrument.” (Jesse Perez)

“Your course and book have totally changed that. Things I could never visualize or fully understand are really starting to come together.” (Chris B)

Thank you very much for making me a better bassist! 🙂 I’m entering week 19 – Maj and Min Pentatonics – and I am very excited about it as I have been over the entire course so far! (Fagner Serrano)

Sign up for the Cohort

Now, any system is only as good as what you make of it. And for some, it can be tough trying to take on a comprehensive course like this on their own. Hence we looked for more ways to help…

The Cohort to the Rescue!

I have a background in coaching. And we have enthusiastic past attendees who are willing to lend a meaningful hand.

Envision a kind of encouragement that means business.

It includes:

  • Accountability
  • Homework assignments that you post
  • Your assigned Cohort Coach
  • Peer support – you are going through the course together with a group of peers!
  • Help practicing correctly and ultimately becoming your own coach!
  • Advice, inspiration, momentum
  • Feedback (we have various tiers)

“The Cohort raised the stakes…” (Unit 19 Survey)

“Recording myself wasn’t as uncomfortable as I anticipated.” (Survey)

“There is something very powerful about making a public commitment and then following i up with a recording of that exercise… and the video you record is incredibly eye-opening!” (Fred P)

“I joined the Cohort in January and have found recording myself to be invaluable. It lets you spot areas of technique that you should be concentrating on. The Cohort is excellent and I can honestly say I have played for a minimum of 30 minutes each day since January 20th when it started. Everyone is so friendly and supportive. I feel like I have improved more in 4 weeks than I did in the last 4 months!” (Chris D)

Sign up for the Cohort

How Much Time do I need for This?

Can you reserve about 45 minutes per day, five times a week for this course?

If so, join us!

Follow along and you will be successful with this!

We Open The Cohort Only Once a Year!

Don’t Miss Out!

We stuck to this over the last two years and will not make any exception now.  It is called the “New Year’s Cohort” for a reason and we only have limited capacity and seats.

You can join now! Click the table below and choose your tier level!

We are offering early bird pricing until November 25th, 2020 when prices will go up and the specials are going away:

Music Theory Cohort

As Always we Recognize and Reward our Loyal Customers:

If you already own the course, purchase one of the above options, then send us your receipt along with the email address you used for your past registration and we will credit your account accordingly.

If you were in last year’s Cohort, you may purchase an upgrade for a signifcant discount using the button below. 

(We will verify if you are a past cohort attendee via your email address so make sure you use the same one!)

Ariane Cap Cohort new Year's cohort

This offer is valid for the 2021 Cohort (we are in the middle of getting all the links up, hence the big discount).

Sign up for the Cohort

Meet the Coaches

these guys will be your best friends. They will be your guides, your buddies, your cheer team. I am excited to introduce them to you musically…

The 2020 coaches got together “quarantine-style” to give you a sample of some of the course’s highlights… Enjoy!

Impressions from our 2020 Cohort

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