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Thank you for your vote!

Thank you for your vote!

This post is a big shout of thanks to all who voted for me!

I have been busy recording and releasing the new Ear Training Course for you, so I am just now getting to the big news that – thanks to your votes – I am one of four winners! The prize is a feature interview with Joel McIver and I get to be on the cover of the July edition of Bass Guitar Magazine (UK) or Bass Player Magazine (US). For this cover, all four winners get featured in a collectible cover rotation. I share the cover duty with Joe Dart of Vulfpeck, Mohini Dey and Michael League of Snarky Puppy. Pretty great company, ‘eh?

Make sure to check out their interviews, the gear reviews and more. I haven’t even seen it yet, so I can’t wait to see which cover will come to my mailbox.

I have been reading Bass Player Magazine for decades. I love the gear talk, transcriptions, interviews and stories from the road. I’ve even gifted subscriptions to students and friends. And I have big boxes and shelves full of old editions that I refer to regularly. It is incredible and humbling for me to be on the cover. And I really enjoyed the interviews Joel McIver has been conducting with me. They call me the “Education Guru” – I like that :).

Bass Player/Guitar Magazine also invited me to London Bass Day this September to do a clinic. Woohoo! Hope to see many of you there! After that event, I am heading to Marleaux’s Tiefgang seminar. If anyone would like to organize clinics or group lessons, I will be in Europe for quite a while, feel free to contact me.

So many on this list are my very own heroes, it is just amazing to me to be among them and then be featured in such a way. So, Thank You to all my students, forum participants, blog readers, OoN fans, Esmeralda fans, Nick Phillips and Ariane Cap fans, Facebook followers- everyone who voted and made this happen. Much love back ‘atcha!

 Grab it in print at https://bit.ly/2XbZG3x and in digital at https://bit.ly/2WOyvvl!

Find out more about the poll and the other nominees here

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3 Replies to “Thank you for your vote!”

  1. Congratulations. You deserve it. Keep up the good work. It is great being part of your 2019 bass education cohort. I am progressing and need the group. It pushes me forward. You, Fred and Wolfe do a great job. You deserve to be on that cover – Pretty busy you are… Nice.

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