The Cycle in Tunes – #3 of 5

The Cycle in Tunes – #3 of 5


The Cycle in Tunes

My favorite reason for knowing the cycle is that it shows up in music everywhere, so if you recognize it (and its variations) you have a distinct leg up learning and understanding tunes. The Circle of Fifths (ascending fifths or descending fourths) – bits of it or the whole of it within a key – these sounds and progressions are everywhere! By the way, what’s the classical theorists prefer the word Circle, the Jazzers call it Cycle. Miss Carol Kaye told me in person.
In this video I present what’s called the Diatonic Cycle. And once you can spot it you are spotting just about half of all chord movements or so in a lot of popular styles of music such as pop, jazz, rock. Or maybe three quarters! Here is a disco sample to warm up with…
[Tweet “Understand the diatonic cycle, spot common chord progressions! Addictive jam track!“]

VIDEO 3 Cycle AC

This video is part of a five-segment promotional mini-series I created in June 2015 for the online-education powerhouse TrueFire. Get my Truefire Course Pentatonic Playground for Bass here
For systematic and comprehensive bass learning check out my course  
Thanks for watching!
This was “The Cycle in Music” – # 3 of the 5-part series

If you missed it so far…

1 – The Cycle of Fifths for the Bass Player (1 of 5)

2 – The Cycle for Fretboard Fitness (2 of 5)

Stay tuned for Part 4!



I use Marleaux Basses and Dean Markley Strings. Fretwraps by Gruvgear, pedals, amps, cabs by TC Electronics. (Official endorser of all these fine companies).
Thanks to for audio post production.

Votan XS by Marleaux

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